Podly Social Proof

July 22, 2021 2023-12-15 12:32

👋 Welcome to Podly Social Proof

Convert up to 35% more visitors into leads and sales.

Build trust and increase conversion rates by adding social proof to your marketing funnel.

Get on board with 3 simple steps.

Engaging Social Proof Notifications Tailored For Your Needs


Easy & Quick Set Up

Sign up for an account on Proovio to start generating your code.

Create Notifications

Customize design, display rules, and apply data source settings.

Go Live & Profit

Generate more leads, conversion & growth. It's that easy.

Boost confidence with Recent Activity.

Boost confidence with Recent Activity.
Recent Activity shows a live feed of real people who have recently taken action on your site. Perfect on high-traffic pages such as your homepage, content opt-ins, and webinar registrations.

Average conversion lift: 10%


Create scarcity with Live Visitor Count.

Live Visitor Count shows the number of people currently viewing a page or your whole site. Great for offers with limited inventory such as physical product, booking, and events ticket sales pages.

Average conversion lift: 8%


Build credibility with Hot Streaks.

Hot Streaks shows the total number of people who have recently taken action on your site. Great for high-traffic pages such as content opt-ins, webinar registrations, and free-trials.

Average conversion lift: 15%


Podly integrates nicely with 100+ tech stacks.

Easily add Podly to any website, landing page, and checkout by installing a lightweight javascript in the header on the page.


No Matter Who You Are, We’ve Got What You Need

information (1)


Fully customizable informational message for your users.

Latest Conversion

Establish social proof by displaying the recent conversions on your site.
conversion (1)

Conversions Counter

Display offers to create FOMO effect & trigger buy action


Display coupon popup anywhere on your website

Email Collector

Easily collect emails and generate leads from your visitors.

Video Display

Easily display a small widget with a YouTube video.

Affordable Pricing for Everyone

Show social proof notifications to increase leads and sales.

Monthly Annually Save 17%


/ month
Perfect for trial
  • 5 Campaigns
  • 5 Notifications
  • 1,000 Impressions
  • 8 Enabled Widgets
  • No Ads
  • Removable Branding
  • Custom Branding
No credit card required


/ month
Perfect for startup
  • 15 Campaigns
  • 15 Notifications
  • 50,000 Impressions
  • 14 Enabled Widgets
  • No Ads
  • Removable Branding
  • Custom Branding
No credit card required


/ month
Perfect for business
  • Unlimited Campaigns
  • Unlimited Notifications
  • Unlimited Impressions
  • All Notifications Enabled
  • No Ads
  • Removable Branding
  • Custom Branding
No credit card required


/ month
Perfect for trial
  • 5 Campaigns
  • 5 Notifications
  • 1,000 Impressions
  • 8 Enabled Widgets
  • No Ads
  • Removable Branding
  • Custom Branding
No credit card required


/ year
Perfect for startup
  • 15 Campaigns
  • 15 Notifications
  • 50,000 Impressions
  • 14 Enabled Widgets
  • No Ads
  • Removable Branding
  • Custom Branding
No credit card required


/ year
Perfect for business
  • Unlimited Campaigns
  • Unlimited Notifications
  • Unlimited Impressions
  • All Notifications Enabled
  • No Ads
  • Removable Branding
  • Custom Branding
No credit card required

Frequently Asked Questions

What is social proof?

Social proof means a kind of social, external platform-generated content that greatly affects a company’s credibility. It is important that we get as many and better reviews as possible and show it to our website visitors.

Why is social proof so effective?

The very presence of social proof makes a business more trustworthy because, by definition, social proof originates from clients, customers and with declining trust in conventional promoting, those voices will in general convey more weight than branded messages from companies themselves.

Why social proof is important?

By using social proof in the form of testimonials, reviews and trust icons you’re helping customers make a decision, feel confident about their choice, and a part of something bigger.

What platform does Podly support?

You can easily use Proovio’s social proof notification with Shopify, WordPress, Woocommerce, Magento, Clickfunnel, Hubspot, Zapier or any CMS. All you have to do is paste one line of code into the header of your webpage.

Can I create a fake notification?

No, we are bound to our values and we believe that Honesty is the best policy. All notifications are created dynamically from the data collected from the website & other form submission tools you’re using. There is no option to add fake data.

Do you provide customer support?

You can connect with us with live chat support or you can write to us at support@podly.live and our customer experience executive will resolve your query within 24 hours.

People who already love us

Here's what our customers say about us



I started using Podly on my opt-in pages and saw an 8.2% increase in opt-ins. What an effortless way to grow our revenue 🙂


With Podly I was able to not only increase the time spent on my page, I was able to increase my conversions by 25% in the first week.


I love that Podly is really EASY to set up. You just follow the steps... and it's done! Thanks for making something complex look so easy.


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in social proof marketing.

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