Podly Data

December 6, 2023 2023-12-07 15:07

👋 Welcome to Podly Buyer Intent Data

Discover unique buyer intent insights with web data

Identify, prioritize, and engage with the hottest, ready-to-buy leads at the perfect time using Buyer Intent Data provided by our affiliated partner powered by AI technology

Three Ways to Unlock Revenue
With Buyer Intent

Fuel Your Strategy

Align marketing and sales efforts to drive revenue. And reduce churn by identifying cross-sell opportunities when clients start looking at similar solutions.

Prospect Smarter

Get to ready-to-buy clients before your competition does with targeted prospecting lists of the world’s best sales leads.

Sell Insanely Fast

Speed up sales cycles and close accounts FAST by using comprehensive insights and the actionable data you need on active buyers.

Companies who use buyer intent data see a 43% increase in deal size (source: Leedfeeder)

Identify Interested Buyers Fast!

Don’t risk losing potentials customers because they aren’t aware of additional products or services you provide

Fill the Gaps With Existing Customers

Use Buyer Intent Data to join the conversation early and provide targeted, value-added solutions to increase revenue and help with retention efforts. Keep up with your current customers and find out their needs before they communicate with them.

Get Context for Informed Marketing and Sales Activity

Find out in real-time what topics target accounts show a strong interest in, so you can reach out with timely communication.

Increase Your Average Deal Size

Know what’s on your prospect’s mind before you even meet! Get the data to provide a tailored experience that checks all the regular boxes and addresses needs your prospects didn’t know they had.

Our Intent Data

5,000+ Sources

Built on a strong relationship with top B2B companies, our network is constantly evolving to include more contributors. So rest assured that Buyer Intent Data provided by our affiliated partner is derived from a varied number of sources and handled in a compliant manner.

Surge Signals

Historical data is stored to form a baseline of your prospect’s behaviors. This means we can differentiate between routine online activity and intent.

12,000+ Topics

New topics come out regularly, which gives us the power to take requests for topics not currently on our roadmap. In addition, our data goes through a strict process to ensure users enjoy unrivaled accuracy and can scale with speed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is buyer intent data?

B2B or buyer intent data is like the ultimate digital breadcrumb trail. Intent data shows when someone is actively researching online for a product or solution and the products and services they’re interested in. Our affiliated partner’s Buyer Intent Data differs from most data providers because it’s based on the context of the website and the search a B2B professional makes at a moment in time rather than scraping sites for keywords. This data is then combined into “topics” to create an “intent score” that helps you gauge how interested a prospect is in making a purchase.

What source statistics is Buyer Intent Data using?

The Buyer Intent Data provided by our affiliated partners tells you which businesses are researching the products and services you and your competitors sell. The data sources are 70% exclusive to our partner in a permission-based, collaborating relationship with the top B2B companies in the world. The provided Buyer Intent Data has the greatest coverage of data, the highest accuracy, and the most intelligence. If you need to find companies or contacts who are researching solutions similar to yours, then Buyer Intent Data is perfect for you.

How is intent data collected?

Buyer Intent Data is sourced from a data cooperative of B2B publishers. Our affiliated partner’s co-op captures the purchasing signals of nearly 4 million unique domains through 16.4 billion interactions each month across 5,000+ sites.

What is an intent signal?

Buyer Intent Data can accurately detect when an organization is considering making a purchase by analyzing the number of users from the organization who are researching relevant topics, the frequency of their research, and the depth of their research compared to typical activity. By doing this, our affiliated partner’s AI identifies precisely when an organization is in the market to buy.

How intensity of intent signals are measured?

Our affiliated partner’s technology measures intent signals by combining deterministic, behavioral, and IP2C data then enhances it with firmographic and demographic information to accurately identify opportunities where prospects show intent for a specific product or service.

What makes Intent Data from our affiliated partner different from other solutions?

Our affiliated partner’s IA technology leverages a consent-based cooperative rather than scraped bid stream data.

The data is ethically sourced from a group of websites that ground their operations in consent. This data is organized into a topic taxonomy of over 12,000 industry-standard categories using natural language processing (NLP). Then the Business Identity Graph associates this data with businesses, and a wide range of partnerships and integrations make the data actionable.

Other ways that Buyer Intent Data is a cut above the rest is our unmatched Quality and Compliance.

Quality: Our affiliated partner’s patented process of collecting company-level intent data and our use of Natural Language Processing and Data Science to produce accurate intent signals for account-level group buying means you don’t waste time or money going after the wrong accounts.

What is the price for our Buyer Intent Data services?

We’re all about providing custom packages that meet users’ specific needs. To create the most effective solution for you, we will need to gather some information about your requirements. Click on Get Started to schedule a demo with our affiliated partner to learn more!

Convert up to 35% more visitors
into leads and sales.

Build trust and increase conversion rates by adding social proof to your marketing funnel.

Book Your Demo Session

Please fill the form below with your accurate information to book a demo session with our partner.

Buyer Intent Data Form